The most common cause of pain in the neck, it becomes osteocondrose of the cervical spine. Each and every year and is a disease of young people. They run you to the people who work every day in a seated position, are not participating in physical activity. It is important for you to know what it is, and the neck osteocondrose, its symptoms, and the conditions for treatment at home.
The characteristics of the disease
Osteocondrose disease, affects the spinal column, more precisely, the intervertebral discs. When the development of the soft of my items from the damaged units, and costeniuc, and the vertebrae begin to touch each other in compression, when the blood vessels and nerve fibers that are located in the immediate vicinity.

The neck osteocondrose one of the most common types of injuries to the spinal cord, which may occur in the elderly, and those with more than 20 years ago.
The first signs of
Due to the fact that in the region of the cervical spine, department of the intervertebral disc drives, which are not very high, even in the small of his corruption becomes a root cause for the development of the disease. About the beginning of the problems that can testify to:
- osiplosti, hoarseness;
- with the rise of problems with their teeth (you'll need to go to the dentist more often than usual, for example due to the partial destruction of the teeth;
- blurred vision;
- the burning sensation between the shoulder;
- the pain in the throat as a sore throat;
- the pain in the shoulder department, the occipital region, along the full length of your hand.
- the weakness in the front of the members.
- the loss of co-ordination, which can be seen in the gear, irregular;
- frequent shortness of breath, the result of which can be collapse;
- the reduction of the resistance;
- the feeling of fatigue, immediately after a sleep
- periodically duplicate the aches and pains of the head and on the left side of the chest, giving it in the hand.
- the limited mobility of the neck, tightening when the curves and inclines.
In many cases, the neck osteocondrose you may have, and a host of other symptoms. In this case, depending on the location of the damaged intervertebral disc.
The experts distinguish a number of types of conditions, which is specific for degenerative disc disease of the cervix, including the following:
- Root. It is developed as a result of a crush injury of the optic nerve. When a person experiences an acute pain, which extends from the neck to the shoulders, then the arms, and so forth, until all the fingers of the two hands (or one hand). It also made it difficult the syndrome is characterized a tingling sensation, or "Watson" in the skin, and whitening of the skin and a little swelling.
- The syndrome of the anterior spinal artery. The main symptom of this is the "belt," the pain in his head. Often, this type of pain is not a constant, but in some cases, it may be, and the periodic table. The amplification of the pain that occurs after an increase in the activity, or after a long encounter in an awkward position. By reducing the it can increase the immunity challenge, the headaches, the pain may be accompanied by nausea and loss of consciousness. In this case, too, there may be problems with hearing, vision, and trouble with the unit sat.
- The syndrome of the neck in migraine. In this case, it is due to a change in position of the vertebrae and the discs between them are broken down in the circulation of the blood to the brain, which is accompanied by a ringing in her ears, or her many symptoms and the block, a fast heart beat, the roar in my head, and the t. d. d.
- Hypertantinny. It is characterized by an increase in intracranial pressure. The patient is disturbed, the strong attacks of headache, often accompanied by a feeling of nausea.
Many times, when the deterioration of the disease, the patient may want to go up to the temperature of the body.
The characteristics of the stages of the disease, and the symptoms of

In the process of the development of the disease, experts point out the 4 stages of:
- The I-phase. At this time, there is a shift of the intervertebral disc, is a violation of their stability. A person can feel the strain of the muscles in the affected area, and in a little pain. Due to a poorly pronounced symptoms, in general, this phase is almost negligible.
- At phase II. It begins with the destruction of the fibrous ring, reducing the distance between the vertebrae. Symptoms are pain, localized in certain points, and increased when the inclination or rotation of the head. Also, at this stage, it can be increased fatigue.
- Stage III. Fibrotic Ring was completely destroyed, you have an inguinal hernia. Your spine becomes deformed, the pain is so strong. To reduce the discomfort, and the man is forced to limit the movement. Signs – you can be sure that are asked of the patient, the rapid onset of fatigue.
- Stage IV. This phase is characterized by a full-macacodviginastd the damaged area of the spinal column. Periodically, perhaps, is the disappearance of the pain, but, subsequently, it necessarily is at it again, raising more than one occasion.
How much more will the removal of the intervertebral disc, the lower is the probability of a complete cure of the disease.
The causes of degenerative cervical disc disease
There are many reasons for the onset and course of the disease. Among the most common are:
- hereditary predisposition;
- disorders of the clutch;
- old.
- getting an injury to the spinal column;
- lots of work, including hard physical labor and sports,
- many of the diseases that have been migrated in the past.
- clad in a narrow, uncomfortable shoes or high-heeled shoes;
- a poor diet, including by the excessive and harmful to the food.
In addition, the incidence of reports of degenerative disc disease can all contribute to your excess weight, frequently from stress, a sedentary lifestyle, and even the subarrefecimento.
This is the danger of the disease
The sooner he started the cervical osteocondrose, but they can be a possible complications. When the disease is at an early age, is it possible to obtain the following effects:
- a herniated intervertebral disc;
- RAdikolabatia cervical nerve root;
- intervertebral disc protrusion in the cervical area, the department (sobretrhooseia);
- verterogennaya neck pain, and t. d.
Also, in the case of the execution of the degenerative disc disease can be a problem with the artery of the vertebrates, with the development of paresis and of any other co-morbidities.
The rules for home treatment

Explaining and talking points for the cervical osteocondrose you can be in a variety of ways, including to carry out the treatment at home, but under certain rules. First of all, a therapy in the house are just in the early stage of the disease. During the run of the disease, you can also use the methods of estimation, but, in a complex with other professionals from a range of health care. In the second place, the method of self-medication at home should be in line with the doctor, after making a diagnosis.
Effective medications
Modern pharmaceuticals offers a wide variety of all kinds of pills, patches and creams\tab d-pad. With these tools, you will not only help you to get rid of the aches and pains when you osteocondrose, but it will also prevent further damage to the cartilage of the intervertebral disc.
Among the most effective and sought-after greece, the funds for the treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease most often are:
- The heating and anesttiraumea ointment/gel.
- Muscle relaxants drugs that decrease the muscle tone and reduces inflammation.
- Transdermal systems, and especially the medical sobrepetku, such as the one that is the most commonly used are: thiamine (vitamin B1), glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin. Under the influence of heat, the drug easily penetrates through the muscle and tissue, providing an anti-inflammatory and analgesic action. In addition to this, the patch will also relieve muscle spasm, and to return them to physical activity.
- The complex carbohydrates. Vitamins are an integral part of the therapy, and they strengthen the body, improve metabolic processes, which, in turn, affect the recovery of muscle and cartilage tissues, and improve the conductivity of nerve impulses, the normal sensibility of the skin, and the t. d. Between the vitamins that are essential for the treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease, experts in the field include the b complex vitamin as well as retinol (A) tocopherol and (S), calciferol (D), ascorbic acid and Nicotinovou
- HondRnosobretCEtora. The primary action of these drugs is aimed at restoring the cartilage tissue, increases the circulation of blood and ease the pain. In addition, the treatment of these drugs has worked, it must be over a sufficiently long period of time (3 to 6 months).
To increase the effectiveness of the treatment is that it is perfectly possible to combine drugs from different groups, for example, vitamin complexes with the protective cartilage, and in patches.
The implementation of the people's income
Good enough for a lot of recipes for the treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease in the spine can be found in the folk medicine:
- To relieve the pain, the aggravation of the degenerative disc disease help to regulate the leaf of the horseradish. For this reason, you need to have a evening to make use of the patient to the internal site of the party, and to secure the bandage. The pre-sheet, scald in boiling water. In the morning, the pain in my neck to calm down the closer to 100%.
- As a doctor of medicine-preventive-you can use the tools, and your potatoes. To prepare the potatoes, the drugs, the root of the mean value rubbed on a grater and gently mixed with honey in the ratio of 1:1. The consistency of the obtained composition, it should look like a paste. The sweet potato and honey compound that is used as a compression are imposed on the neck from the top and serves for the compression of a piece of paper and a towel and a lock up through, I think. Keep the compress on it should be 2 hours, after which the leather, wipe with a damp cloth and then lubricate the fir oil. When aggravation of degenerative disc disease, the treatment should be 7 to 10 days, and for the prevention of pad you can do 1 time a week.
- Another popular recipe is also involved in the product-of-bee – propolis. To prepare for a home medicines needed for 1 g of honey, 50 g of the juice of the aloe vera juice, and mustard powder. All of these ingredients are dissolved in 0.5 liter of vodka or ethanol (diluted). To the resulting solution using the impregnation of the fabric, which is then placed on the area of the neck during the night. To enhance the effect of the neck in advanced, you can wrap the wool scarf.
- Wax packs – one tool to combat inflammation and pain. Before you can apply it on your neck, and the wax melted on a steam bath, and give it to cool down a little bit for the not annealed to the skin. Instead of wax you can use wax. Ironically, this time, with the help of the wax or the wax they are made 1 (one) time every three (3) days.
- The bulk of the turpentine. This form of therapy, it is necessary to prepare the dough of rye flour and filtered water. You must be very flexible, but there is a lot of tense from l'oreal. The result of a test form with the ball. After that, the wound with turpentine and lay on top of the finished ball. For the duration of the procedure is about 15 to 20 minutes, or a frequency of 3 times per week.

For the treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease, the traditional medicine offers a swab, and rubbing, but it is also the means for the intake of:
- No data was collected. For the preparation of a medicinal medication need to the leaves of the dandelion, yarrow, rosemary, st. john's wort, chamomile and calendula. Each and every ingredient is 1-St. l. All of the components of the herbs in carefully blended together. In the field, it will charge in 2 Ot. a l l of the a mixture putting it into a thermos, pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist in a couple of hours. The ready-infusion and drink 3 times a day (up to 60 ml, per the front desk) prior to the ingestion of food. The course of treatment (20).
- The infusion of the leaves of the laurel. To prepare 1 cup of water for 10 g of the leaves of the laurel. All the ingredients are placed in a pot in the glaze, and cook over low heat for 5 periods of 5 min. After that, it is obtained by decoction and insist for more than 3 hours, and filter. Drink a received the infusion during the day in small sips. The course of the reception, and 4 days old. After a week's break to repeat the treatment.
- The broth for the salsa. Cook it in the following way: 3 tablespoons finely shredded root of the nerve of the plants they drop off to sleep in 750 ml of water, and simmer on low heat for about an hour. Received, the the the broth filtrate and the noStujaut. To drink the medicine two times a day for 1 St. with a spoon. Make it should be in the morning on an empty stomach, before you go to bed.
- An infusion of the juice of the celery. To prepare the celery root is its on a fine grater, after you have obtained the dough, carefully squeeze out all the juice. After that, for each St. the spoon is obtained from the juice and add 100 ml of water, boiling hot, and let noStpara liver for up to 2 hours. Make an infusion from 2 St's. tablespoon prior to each meal.
- Infused with cranberry leaves. This infusion produces a very good anti-inflammatory effect. For the preparation of 3-h. l. dried crushed leaves pour a glass of boiling water. Two hours later, the result of a combination of filter paper, and drink it in 2 Ot. tablespoon, three times a day.
- Alcohol infused with juniper and closed. To get an effective medicine in the cedar nuts, along with a SKnoRlpacknoth pounded in a mortar and pestle, fold it in a glass, with a capacity and pour in the vodka. The can tightly closed, and cleans up in a dark place for about a week. When you do this on a daily basis, the ability of a store, you must shake it carefully. After 7 days of infusion and the resulting filter paper. Drink it three times a day for the 2-on-y % teaspoons for the front desk.
Also, as an efficient means to allow for the replacement of potassium and calcium in the body and in folk medicine, it is recommended to eat several tablespoons of the sesame seeds on a daily basis for a technique of eating for a month, but you do it several times a day).
The effectiveness of self-massage

Vezesminumia, rubbing and caressing all help in improving the blood circulation, reduce pain, relieve muscle tension, to normalize the body's metabolism. However, in order to not hurt yourself by performing self-massage is necessary to observe a few rules:
- The massage should be carried out only with the tips of the fingers of the hand.
- It may not be tightly pressed to the patient's area.
- All of the movements should be smooth, without any sudden, rapid, and nodandolIvani.
- The massage should be in the satowlnohing part of the head, and the muscles of the back and side areas of the neck.
- In the procedure, it is only necessary to seat. To make it easier, it is necessary to throw one leg over the other and rest it against your elbow to get to the back of the neck and the spinal column. As opposed to a hand when you squeeze it's neck in all directions.
The duration of procedures in massage, for about 10 minutes. Frequently, on a daily basis. It's not worth doing self-massage when the pain. Let's wait and see, as it is a bit slow.
Properly performed massage can be a helpful and effective, it really is the best medicine.

Is not going to be any more than that would complement the home treatment gemnoSteheSKeme years. Do your recommend after you warm up in the bath or in the shower. The most effective exercises that when you to cervical osteocondrose are considered to be:
- You tilt your head. To play, you must get up, just stretch your hands at your sides and tilt your head to the front or to the rear. In each and every state, you need to get to about 10 st
- Tilt it to the side. No change to the current position of the head-down, right-left, also holding her at each side-by-side the 10-s.
- The position is the same, but now the head needs to turn, to overthrow from all sides, it was more than half a minute or so.
- Twists and turns. On the other hand is placed over the belt to the chin gently fell down off to the front, and then turn your head to the side so that he lay on his left shoulder. In this position, you must be frozen for 50 seconds.
- Product. This exercise is performed from a seated position. To do this, sit in your chair, fold your hands on your knees. After that, the hands pulled to the front, and the soft-dilute a part of it. At the same time, the tilt of the head, and then return to the starting position.
- The difficult twists and turns. The palm of the left hand is placed on the right shoulder (the elbow at a right angle) and simultaneously turn your head to the right. Then, you perform an exercise of firing on the right hand side.
In addition to each and every one of these exercises, it's good to help the osteocondrose, and many, many others. For example, when you are leisure, you can laze on the disk, a sofa, therefore, for the shoulders were at the rim, and his head was hanging down. Her arms should be relaxed and extended at the sides. In just a few minutes, you will have to stand up and bend over, holding out solely on the muscles of the neck. The first exercise you perform laying on his back, and then, in the same way, flip it upside down.